
; ===============================================
; CamelForth for the Zilog Z80
; (c) 1994 Bradford J. Rodriguez
; Permission is granted to freely copy, modify,
; and distribute this program for personal or
; educational use.  Commercial inquiries should
; be directed to the author at 221 King St. E.,
; #32, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1B5 Canada
; CAMEL80D.AZM: CPU and Model Dependencies
;   Source code is for the Z80MR macro assembler.
;   Forth words are documented as follows:
;*   NAME     stack -- stack    description
;   Word names in upper case are from the ANS
;   Forth Core word set.  Names in lower case are
;   "internal" implementation words & extensions.
; Direct-Threaded Forth model for Zilog Z80
;   cell size is   16 bits (2 bytes)
;   char size is    8 bits (1 byte)
;   address unit is 8 bits (1 byte), i.e.,
;       addresses are byte-aligned.
; ===============================================

; Many of these are synonyms for other words,
; and so are defined as CODE words.

;C ALIGN    --                         align HERE
    head ALIGN,5,ALIGN,docode
noop:   next

;C ALIGNED  addr -- a-addr       align given addr
    head ALIGNED,7,ALIGNED,docode
        jr noop

;Z CELL     -- n                 size of one cell
    head CELL,4,CELL,docon
        dw 2

;C CELL+    a-addr1 -- a-addr2      add cell size
;   2 + ;
    head CELLPLUS,5,CELL+,docode
        inc bc
        inc bc

;C CELLS    n1 -- n2            cells->adrs units
    head CELLS,5,CELLS,docode
        jp twostar

;C CHAR+    c-addr1 -- c-addr2   add char size
    head CHARPLUS,5,CHAR+,docode
        jp oneplus

;C CHARS    n1 -- n2            chars->adrs units
    head CHARS,5,CHARS,docode
        jr noop

;C >BODY    xt -- a-addr      adrs of param field
;   3 + ;                     Z80 (3 byte CALL)
    head TOBODY,5,>BODY,docolon
        DW LIT,3,PLUS,EXIT

;X COMPILE,  xt --         append execution token
; I called this word ,XT before I discovered that
; it is defined in the ANSI standard as COMPILE,.
; On a DTC Forth this simply appends xt (like , )
; but on an STC Forth this must append 'CALL xt'.
    head COMMAXT,8,'COMPILE,',docode
        jp COMMA

;Z !CF    adrs cfa --   set code action of a word
;   0CD OVER C!         store 'CALL adrs' instr
;   1+ ! ;              Z80 VERSION
; Depending on the implementation this could
; append CALL adrs or JUMP adrs.
    head STORECF,3,!CF,docolon

;Z ,CF    adrs --       append a code field
;   HERE !CF 3 ALLOT ;  Z80 VERSION (3 bytes)
    head COMMACF,3,',CF',docolon

;Z !COLON   --      change code field to docolon
;   -3 ALLOT docolon-adrs ,CF ;
; This should be used immediately after CREATE.
; This is made a distinct word, because on an STC
; Forth, colon definitions have no code field.
    head STORCOLON,6,'!COLON',docolon
        DW LIT,-3,ALLOT
        DW LIT,docolon,COMMACF,EXIT

;Z ,EXIT    --      append hi-level EXIT action
;   ['] EXIT ,XT ;
; This is made a distinct word, because on an STC
; Forth, it appends a RET instruction, not an xt.
    head CEXIT,5,',EXIT',docolon

; CONTROL STRUCTURES ============================
; These words allow Forth control structure words
; to be defined portably.

;Z ,BRANCH   xt --    append a branch instruction
; xt is the branch operator to use, e.g. qbranch
; or (loop).  It does NOT append the destination
; address.  On the Z80 this is equivalent to ,XT.
    head COMMABRANCH,7,',BRANCH',docode
        jp COMMA

;Z ,DEST   dest --        append a branch address
; This appends the given destination address to
; the branch instruction.  On the Z80 this is ','
; ...other CPUs may use relative addressing.
    head COMMADEST,5,',DEST',docode
        jp COMMA

;Z !DEST   dest adrs --    change a branch dest'n
; Changes the destination address found at 'adrs'
; to the given 'dest'.  On the Z80 this is '!'
; ...other CPUs may need relative addressing.
    head STOREDEST,5,'!DEST',docode
        jp STORE

; HEADER STRUCTURE ==============================
; The structure of the Forth dictionary headers
; (name, link, immediate flag, and "smudge" bit)
; does not necessarily differ across CPUs.  This
; structure is not easily factored into distinct
; "portable" words; instead, it is implicit in
; the definitions of FIND and CREATE, and also in
; REVEAL.  These words must be (substantially)
; rewritten if either the header structure or its
; inherent assumptions are changed.