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Markdown cheatsheet

Markdown (hd2)

Markdown (hd3)

Markdown (hd4)


Middle-Word Emphasis

some _long_ filename.txt

some long filename.txt

Indentation/Tab Length & Consecutive Lists

- list
*    list
+    list
1.   list
    - list
    -    list
  • list
  • list
  • list
  • list
    • list
    • list


> This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus.
Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.

> Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse
id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.

Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

> This is the first level of quoting.
> > This is nested blockquote.
> Back to the first level.

This is the first level of quoting.

This is nested blockquote.

Back to the first level.

> ## This is a header.
> 1.   This is the first list item.
> 2.   This is the second list item.
> Here's some example code:
>     return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script");

This is a header.

  1. This is the first list item.
  2. This is the second list item.

Here's some example code:

return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script");


0.  Bird
0.  McHale
0.  Parish
  1. Bird
  2. McHale
  3. Parish

List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented by up to three spaces.

*   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
    Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi,
    viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
*   Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit.
    Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
  • Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

If list items are separated by blank lines, Markdown will wrap the items in

tags in the HTML output.

*   Bird

*   Magic
  • Bird

  • Magic

List items may consist of multiple paragraphs. Each subsequent paragraph in a list item must be indented by either 4 spaces or one tab:

1.  This is a list item with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor
    sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit
    mi posuere lectus.

    Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet
    vitae, risus. Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum
    sit amet velit.

2.  Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
  1. This is a list item with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus.

    Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit.

  2. Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

* Lorem ipsum
    * Lorem ipsum
        * Lorem ipsum
    * Lorem ipsum
        * Lorem ipsum
            * Lorem ipsum
* Lorem ipsum
    * Lorem ipsum
        * Lorem ipsum
        * Lorem ipsum
        * Lorem ipsum

* Lorem ipsum

    * Lorem ipsum

        * Lorem ipsum

        * Lorem ipsum

        * Lorem ipsum
  • Lorem ipsum
    • Lorem ipsum
      • Lorem ipsum
    • Lorem ipsum
      • Lorem ipsum
        • Lorem ipsum
  • Lorem ipsum

    • Lorem ipsum
      • Lorem ipsum
      • Lorem ipsum
      • Lorem ipsum
  • Lorem ipsum

    • Lorem ipsum

      • Lorem ipsum

      • Lorem ipsum

      • Lorem ipsum

It looks nice if you indent every line of the subsequent paragraphs, but here again, Markdown will allow you to be lazy:

*   This is a list item with two paragraphs.

    This is the second paragraph in the list item. You're
only required to indent the first line. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

*   Another item in the same list.
  • This is a list item with two paragraphs.

    This is the second paragraph in the list item. You're only required to indent the first line. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

  • Another item in the same list.

To put a blockquote within a list item, the blockquote’s > delimiters need to be indented:

*   A list item with a blockquote:

    > This is a blockquote
    > inside a list item.
  • A list item with a blockquote:

    This is a blockquote inside a list item.

To put a code block within a list item, the code block needs to be indented twice — 8 spaces or two tabs:

*   A list item with a code block:

        <code goes here>
  • A list item with a code block:
    <code goes here>

1986. What a great season.

1986\. What a great season.
  1. What a great season.

1986. What a great season.


* * *



- - -


Markdown supports two style of links: inline and reference.

This is [an example]( "Title") inline link.

[This link]( has no title attribute.

This is an example inline link.

This link has no title attribute.

If you’re referring to a local resource on the same server, you can use relative paths:

See my [About]( page for details.

See my About page for details.

Reference-style links use a second set of square brackets, inside which you place a label of your choosing to identify the link:

This is [an example][id] reference-style link.

This is an example reference-style link.

Then, anywhere in the document, you define your link label like this, on a line by itself:

    "Optional Title Here"

The implicit link name shortcut allows you to omit the name of the link, in which case the link text itself is used as the name. Just use an empty set of square brackets — e.g., to link the word “Google” to the web site, you could simply write:



And then define the link:


I get 10 times more traffic from [Google] [1] than from
[Yahoo] [2] or [MSN] [3].

[1]:        "Google"
[2]:  "Yahoo Search"
[3]:    "MSN Search"

I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][] than from
[Yahoo][] or [MSN][].

[google]:        "Google"
[yahoo]:  "Yahoo Search"
[msn]:    "MSN Search"

I get 10 times more traffic from Google than from Yahoo or MSN.

I get 10 times more traffic from Google than from Yahoo or MSN.


*single asterisks*

_single underscores_

**double asterisks**

__double underscores__

\*this text is surrounded by literal asterisks\*

single asterisks

single underscores

double asterisks

double underscores

*this text is surrounded by literal asterisks*


Use the `printf()` function.

``There is a literal backtick (`) here.``

A single backtick in a code span: `` ` ``

A backtick-delimited string in a code span: `` `foo` ``

Please don't use any `<blink>` tags.

Use the printf() function.

There is a literal backtick (`) here.

A single backtick in a code span: `

A backtick-delimited string in a code span: `foo`

Please don't use any <blink> tags.


![Alt text](../img/favicon.ico)

![Alt text](../img/favicon.ico "Optional title")

Alt text

Alt text

![Alt text][id]

[id]: ../img/favicon.ico  "Optional title attribute"

Alt text



\\   backslash
\`   backtick
\*   asterisk
\_   underscore
\{\}  curly braces
\[\]  square brackets
\(\)  parentheses
\#   hash mark
\+   plus sign
\-   minus sign (hyphen)
\.   dot
\!   exclamation mark

\ backslash
` backtick
* asterisk
_ underscore
{} curly braces
[] square brackets
() parentheses
# hash mark
+ plus sign
- minus sign (hyphen)
. dot
! exclamation mark


MkDocs default: meta, toc, tables, and fenced_code

Fenced Code Blocks

A paragraph before the code block.

a one-line code block
a one-line code block

A paragraph after the code block.

a one-line code block
a one-line code block

To include a set of backticks (or tildes) within a code block, use a different number of backticks for the deliminators.


Unlike indented code blocks, a fenced code block can immediately follow a list item without becoming part of the list.

* A list item.

not part of the list
  • A list item.
not part of the list

``` { .html }
<p>HTML Document</p>
<p>HTML Document</p>

``` { #example }
A linkable code block
A linkable code block

$ pip install mkdocs
for _ in range(1): 
$ pip install mkdocs
for _ in range(1): 


Tables are defined using the syntax established in PHP Markdown Extra

First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell
First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

You can specify alignment for each column by adding colons to separator lines. A colon at the left of the separator line will make the column left-aligned; a colon on the right of the line will make the column right-aligned; colons at both side means the column is center-aligned.

| Item      | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer  | $1600 |
| Phone     |   $12 |
| Pipe      |    $1 |
Item Value
Computer $1600
Phone $12
Pipe $1

You can apply span-level formatting to the content of each cell using regular Markdown syntax:

| Function name | Description                    |
| ------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `help()`      | Display the help window.       |
| `destroy()`   | **Destroy your computer!**     |
Function name Description
help() Display the help window.
destroy() Destroy your computer!


:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
    the family Rosaceae.

:   The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.

Apple : Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.

Orange : The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.

: Generate permanent links at the end of each header. Default: `False`.

    When set to True the paragraph symbol (&para; or `&para;`) is used as the
    link text. When set to a string, the provided string is used as the link
    text. For example, to use the hash symbol (`#`) instead, do:

            - toc:
                permalink: "#"

permalink: : Generate permanent links at the end of each header. Default: False.

When set to True the paragraph symbol (&para; or `&para;`) is used as the
link text. When set to a string, the provided string is used as the link
text. For example, to use the hash symbol (`#`) instead, do:

        - toc:
            permalink: "#"


$$ \cos x=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^k}{(2k)!}x^{2k} $$
\[ \cos x=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^k}{(2k)!}x^{2k} \]
$ \cos x=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^k}{(2k)!}x^{2k} $

$ \cos x=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^k}{(2k)!}x^{2k} $

The homomorphism $f$ is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set $e_G$, because otherwise $\exists a,b\in G$ with $a\neq b$ such that $f(a)=f(b)$.

The homomorphism \(f\) is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set \(e_G\), because otherwise \(\exists a,b\in G\) with \(a\neq b\) such that \(f(a)=f(b)\).

Other extensions:

Last edited: 2025-01-19 15:18:10