; Listing 2.
; ===============================================
; CamelForth for the Zilog Z80
; (c) 1994 Bradford J. Rodriguez
; Permission is granted to freely copy, modify,
; and distribute this program for personal or
; educational use. Commercial inquiries should
; be directed to the author at 221 King St. E.,
; #32, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1B5 Canada
; CAMEL80.AZM: Code Primitives
; Source code is for the Z80MR macro assembler.
; Forth words are documented as follows:
;x NAME stack -- stack description
; where x=C for ANS Forth Core words, X for ANS
; Extensions, Z for internal or private words.
; Direct-Threaded Forth model for Zilog Z80
; 16 bit cell, 8 bit char, 8 bit (byte) adrs unit
; Z80 BC = Forth TOS (top Param Stack item)
; HL = W working register
; DE = IP Interpreter Pointer
; SP = PSP Param Stack Pointer
; IX = RSP Return Stack Pointer
; IY = UP User area Pointer
; A, alternate register set = temporaries
; Revision history:
; 19 Aug 94 v1.0
; 25 Jan 95 v1.01 now using BDOS function 0Ah
; for interpreter input; TIB at 82h.
; 02 Mar 95 v1.02 changed ALIGN to ALIGNED in
; S" (S"); changed ,BRANCH to ,XT in DO.
; ===============================================
; Macros to define Forth headers
; HEAD label,length,name,action
; IMMED label,length,name,action
; label = assembler name for this word
; (special characters not allowed)
; length = length of name field
; name = Forth's name for this word
; action = code routine for this word, e.g.
; DOCOLON, or DOCODE for code words
; IMMED defines a header for an IMMEDIATE word.
DOCODE EQU 0 ; flag to indicate CODE words
link DEFL 0 ; link to previous Forth word
head MACRO #label,#length,#name,#action
DW link
DB 0
link DEFL $
DB #length,'#name'
IF .NOT.(#action=DOCODE)
call #action
immed MACRO #label,#length,#name,#action
DW link
DB 1
link DEFL $
DB #length,'#name'
IF .NOT.(#action=DOCODE)
call #action
; The NEXT macro (7 bytes) assembles the 'next'
; code in-line in every Z80 CamelForth CODE word.
next MACRO
ex de,hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
ex de,hl
jp (hl)
; NEXTHL is used when the IP is already in HL.
nexthl MACRO
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
ex de,hl
jp (hl)
; RESET AND INTERRUPT VECTORS ===================
; ...are not used in the CP/M implementation
; Instead, we have the...
org 100h
reset: ld hl,(6h) ; BDOS address, rounded down
ld l,0 ; = end of avail.mem (EM)
dec h ; EM-100h
ld sp,hl ; = top of param stack
inc h ; EM
push hl
pop ix ; = top of return stack
dec h ; EM-200h
dec h
push hl
pop iy ; = bottom of user area
ld de,1 ; do reset if COLD returns
jp COLD ; enter top-level Forth word
; Memory map:
; 0080h Terminal Input Buffer, 128 bytes
; 0100h Forth kernel = start of CP/M TPA
; ? h Forth dictionary (user RAM)
; EM-200h User area, 128 bytes
; EM-180h Parameter stack, 128B, grows down
; EM-100h HOLD area, 40 bytes, grows down
; EM-0D8h PAD buffer, 88 bytes
; EM-80h Return stack, 128 B, grows down
; EM End of RAM = start of CP/M BDOS
; See also the definitions of U0, S0, and R0
; in the "system variables & constants" area.
; A task w/o terminal input requires 200h bytes.
; Double all except TIB and PAD for 32-bit CPUs.
; INTERPRETER LOGIC =============================
; See also "defining words" at end of this file
;C EXIT -- exit a colon definition
head EXIT,4,EXIT,docode
ld e,(ix+0) ; pop old IP from ret stk
inc ix
ld d,(ix+0)
inc ix
;Z lit -- x fetch inline literal to stack
; This is the primtive compiled by LITERAL.
head lit,3,lit,docode
push bc ; push old TOS
ld a,(de) ; fetch cell at IP to TOS,
ld c,a ; advancing IP
inc de
ld a,(de)
ld b,a
inc de
;C EXECUTE i*x xt -- j*x execute Forth word
;C at 'xt'
head EXECUTE,7,EXECUTE,docode
ld h,b ; address of word -> HL
ld l,c
pop bc ; get new TOS
jp (hl) ; go do Forth word
; DEFINING WORDS ================================
; ENTER, a.k.a. DOCOLON, entered by CALL ENTER
; to enter a new high-level thread (colon def'n.)
; (internal code fragment, not a Forth word)
; N.B.: DOCOLON must be defined before any
; appearance of 'docolon' in a 'word' macro!
docolon: ; (alternate name)
enter: dec ix ; push old IP on ret stack
ld (ix+0),d
dec ix
ld (ix+0),e
pop hl ; param field adrs -> IP
nexthl ; use the faster 'nexthl'
;C VARIABLE -- define a Forth variable
; Action of RAM variable is identical to CREATE,
; so we don't need a DOES> clause to change it.
head VARIABLE,8,VARIABLE,docolon
; DOVAR, code action of VARIABLE, entered by CALL
; DOCREATE, code action of newly created words
dovar: ; -- a-addr
pop hl ; parameter field address
push bc ; push old TOS
ld b,h ; pfa = variable's adrs -> TOS
ld c,l
;C CONSTANT n -- define a Forth constant
; CREATE , DOES> (machine code fragment)
head CONSTANT,8,CONSTANT,docolon
; DOCON, code action of CONSTANT,
; entered by CALL DOCON
docon: ; -- x
pop hl ; parameter field address
push bc ; push old TOS
ld c,(hl) ; fetch contents of parameter
inc hl ; field -> TOS
ld b,(hl)
;Z USER n -- define user variable 'n'
; CREATE , DOES> (machine code fragment)
head USER,4,USER,docolon
; DOUSER, code action of USER,
; entered by CALL DOUSER
douser: ; -- a-addr
pop hl ; parameter field address
push bc ; push old TOS
ld c,(hl) ; fetch contents of parameter
inc hl ; field
ld b,(hl)
push iy ; copy user base address to HL
pop hl
add hl,bc ; and add offset
ld b,h ; put result in TOS
ld c,l
; DODOES, code action of DOES> clause
; entered by CALL fragment
; parameter field
; ...
; fragment: CALL DODOES
; high-level thread
; Enters high-level thread with address of
; parameter field on top of stack.
; (internal code fragment, not a Forth word)
dodoes: ; -- a-addr
dec ix ; push old IP on ret stk
ld (ix+0),d
dec ix
ld (ix+0),e
pop de ; adrs of new thread -> IP
pop hl ; adrs of parameter field
push bc ; push old TOS onto stack
ld b,h ; pfa -> new TOS
ld c,l
; CP/M TERMINAL I/O =============================
cpmbdos EQU 5h ; CP/M BDOS entry point
;Z BDOS de c -- a call CP/M BDOS
head BDOS,4,BDOS,docode
ex de,hl ; save important Forth regs
pop de ; (DE,IX,IY) & pop DE value
push hl
push ix
push iy
call cpmbdos
ld c,a ; result in TOS
ld b,0
pop iy ; restore Forth regs
pop ix
pop de
;C EMIT c -- output character to console
; warning: if c=0ffh, will read one keypress
head EMIT,4,EMIT,docolon
;Z SAVEKEY -- addr temporary storage for KEY?
head savekey,7,SAVEKEY,dovar
DW 0
;X KEY? -- f return true if char waiting
; 0FF 6 BDOS DUP SAVEKEY C! ; rtns 0 or key
; must use BDOS function 6 to work with KEY
head querykey,4,KEY?,docolon
;C KEY -- c get character from keyboard
; must use CP/M direct console I/O to avoid echo
; (BDOS function 6, contained within KEY?)
head KEY,3,KEY,docolon
;Z CPMACCEPT c-addr +n -- +n' get line of input
; SWAP 2 - TUCK C! max # of characters
; DUP 0A BDOS DROP CP/M Get Console Buffer
; 1+ C@ 0A EMIT ; get returned count
; Note: requires the two locations before c-addr
; to be available for use.
;X BYE i*x -- return to CP/M
head bye,3,bye,docode
jp 0
; STACK OPERATIONS ==============================
;C DUP x -- x x duplicate top of stack
head DUP,3,DUP,docode
pushtos: push bc
;C ?DUP x -- 0 | x x DUP if nonzero
head QDUP,4,?DUP,docode
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,pushtos
;C DROP x -- drop top of stack
head DROP,4,DROP,docode
poptos: pop bc
;C SWAP x1 x2 -- x2 x1 swap top two items
head SWOP,4,SWAP,docode
pop hl
push bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
;C OVER x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 per stack diagram
head OVER,4,OVER,docode
pop hl
push hl
push bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
;C ROT x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 per stack diagram
head ROT,3,ROT,docode
; x3 is in TOS
pop hl ; x2
ex (sp),hl ; x2 on stack, x1 in hl
push bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
;X NIP x1 x2 -- x2 per stack diagram
head NIP,3,NIP,docolon
;X TUCK x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 per stack diagram
head TUCK,4,TUCK,docolon
;C >R x -- R: -- x push to return stack
head TOR,2,>R,docode
dec ix ; push TOS onto rtn stk
ld (ix+0),b
dec ix
ld (ix+0),c
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;C R> -- x R: x -- pop from return stack
head RFROM,2,R>,docode
push bc ; push old TOS
ld c,(ix+0) ; pop top rtn stk item
inc ix ; to TOS
ld b,(ix+0)
inc ix
;C R@ -- x R: x -- x fetch from rtn stk
head RFETCH,2,R@,docode
push bc ; push old TOS
ld c,(ix+0) ; fetch top rtn stk item
ld b,(ix+1) ; to TOS
;Z SP@ -- a-addr get data stack pointer
head SPFETCH,3,SP@,docode
push bc
ld hl,0
add hl,sp
ld b,h
ld c,l
;Z SP! a-addr -- set data stack pointer
head SPSTORE,3,SP!,docode
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld sp,hl
pop bc ; get new TOS
;Z RP@ -- a-addr get return stack pointer
head RPFETCH,3,RP@,docode
push bc
push ix
pop bc
;Z RP! a-addr -- set return stack pointer
head RPSTORE,3,RP!,docode
push bc
pop ix
pop bc
; MEMORY AND I/O OPERATIONS =====================
;C ! x a-addr -- store cell in memory
head STORE,1,!,docode
ld h,b ; address in hl
ld l,c
pop bc ; data in bc
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),b
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;C C! char c-addr -- store char in memory
head CSTORE,2,C!,docode
ld h,b ; address in hl
ld l,c
pop bc ; data in bc
ld (hl),c
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;C @ a-addr -- x fetch cell from memory
head FETCH,1,@,docode
ld h,b ; address in hl
ld l,c
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
;C C@ c-addr -- char fetch char from memory
head CFETCH,2,C@,docode
ld a,(bc)
ld c,a
ld b,0
;Z PC! char c-addr -- output char to port
head PCSTORE,3,PC!,docode
pop hl ; char in L
out (c),l ; to port (BC)
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;Z PC@ c-addr -- char input char from port
head PCFETCH,3,PC@,docode
in c,(c) ; read port (BC) to C
ld b,0
;C + n1/u1 n2/u2 -- n3/u3 add n1+n2
head PLUS,1,+,docode
pop hl
add hl,bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
;X M+ d n -- d add single to double
head MPLUS,2,M+,docode
ex de,hl
pop de ; hi cell
ex (sp),hl ; lo cell, save IP
add hl,bc
ld b,d ; hi result in BC (TOS)
ld c,e
jr nc,mplus1
inc bc
mplus1: pop de ; restore saved IP
push hl ; push lo result
;C - n1/u1 n2/u2 -- n3/u3 subtract n1-n2
head MINUS,1,-,docode
pop hl
or a
sbc hl,bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
;C AND x1 x2 -- x3 logical AND
head AND,3,AND,docode
pop hl
ld a,b
and h
ld b,a
ld a,c
and l
ld c,a
;C OR x1 x2 -- x3 logical OR
head OR,2,OR,docode
pop hl
ld a,b
or h
ld b,a
ld a,c
or l
ld c,a
;C XOR x1 x2 -- x3 logical XOR
head XOR,3,XOR,docode
pop hl
ld a,b
xor h
ld b,a
ld a,c
xor l
ld c,a
;C INVERT x1 -- x2 bitwise inversion
head INVERT,6,INVERT,docode
ld a,b
ld b,a
ld a,c
ld c,a
;C NEGATE x1 -- x2 two's complement
head NEGATE,6,NEGATE,docode
ld a,b
ld b,a
ld a,c
ld c,a
inc bc
;C 1+ n1/u1 -- n2/u2 add 1 to TOS
head ONEPLUS,2,1+,docode
inc bc
;C 1- n1/u1 -- n2/u2 subtract 1 from TOS
head ONEMINUS,2,1-,docode
dec bc
;Z >< x1 -- x2 swap bytes (not ANSI)
head swapbytes,2,><,docode
ld a,b
ld b,c
ld c,a
;C 2* x1 -- x2 arithmetic left shift
head TWOSTAR,2,2*,docode
sla c
rl b
;C 2/ x1 -- x2 arithmetic right shift
head TWOSLASH,2,2/,docode
sra b
rr c
;C LSHIFT x1 u -- x2 logical L shift u places
head LSHIFT,6,LSHIFT,docode
ld b,c ; b = loop counter
pop hl ; NB: hi 8 bits ignored!
inc b ; test for counter=0 case
jr lsh2
lsh1: add hl,hl ; left shift HL, n times
lsh2: djnz lsh1
ld b,h ; result is new TOS
ld c,l
;C RSHIFT x1 u -- x2 logical R shift u places
head RSHIFT,6,RSHIFT,docode
ld b,c ; b = loop counter
pop hl ; NB: hi 8 bits ignored!
inc b ; test for counter=0 case
jr rsh2
rsh1: srl h ; right shift HL, n times
rr l
rsh2: djnz rsh1
ld b,h ; result is new TOS
ld c,l
;C +! n/u a-addr -- add cell to memory
head PLUSSTORE,2,+!,docode
pop hl
ld a,(bc) ; low byte
add a,l
ld (bc),a
inc bc
ld a,(bc) ; high byte
adc a,h
ld (bc),a
pop bc ; pop new TOS
; COMPARISON OPERATIONS =========================
;C 0= n/u -- flag return true if TOS=0
head ZEROEQUAL,2,0=,docode
ld a,b
or c ; result=0 if bc was 0
sub 1 ; cy set if bc was 0
sbc a,a ; propagate cy through A
ld b,a ; put 0000 or FFFF in TOS
ld c,a
;C 0< n -- flag true if TOS negative
head ZEROLESS,2,0<,docode
sla b ; sign bit -> cy flag
sbc a,a ; propagate cy through A
ld b,a ; put 0000 or FFFF in TOS
ld c,a
;C = x1 x2 -- flag test x1=x2
head EQUAL,1,=,docode
pop hl
or a
sbc hl,bc ; x1-x2 in HL, SZVC valid
jr z,tostrue
tosfalse: ld bc,0
;X <> x1 x2 -- flag test not eq (not ANSI)
head NOTEQUAL,2,<>,docolon
;C < n1 n2 -- flag test n1<n2, signed
head LESS,1,<,docode
pop hl
or a
sbc hl,bc ; n1-n2 in HL, SZVC valid
; if result negative & not OV, n1<n2
; neg. & OV => n1 +ve, n2 -ve, rslt -ve, so n1>n2
; if result positive & not OV, n1>=n2
; pos. & OV => n1 -ve, n2 +ve, rslt +ve, so n1<n2
; thus OV reverses the sense of the sign bit
jp pe,revsense ; if OV, use rev. sense
jp p,tosfalse ; if +ve, result false
tostrue: ld bc,0ffffh ; if -ve, result true
revsense: jp m,tosfalse ; OV: if -ve, reslt false
jr tostrue ; if +ve, result true
;C > n1 n2 -- flag test n1>n2, signed
head GREATER,1,>,docolon
;C U< u1 u2 -- flag test u1<n2, unsigned
head ULESS,2,U<,docode
pop hl
or a
sbc hl,bc ; u1-u2 in HL, SZVC valid
sbc a,a ; propagate cy through A
ld b,a ; put 0000 or FFFF in TOS
ld c,a
;X U> u1 u2 -- flag u1>u2 unsgd (not ANSI)
head UGREATER,2,U>,docolon
; LOOP AND BRANCH OPERATIONS ====================
;Z branch -- branch always
head branch,6,branch,docode
dobranch: ld a,(de) ; get inline value => IP
ld l,a
inc de
ld a,(de)
ld h,a
;Z ?branch x -- branch if TOS zero
head qbranch,7,?branch,docode
ld a,b
or c ; test old TOS
pop bc ; pop new TOS
jr z,dobranch ; if old TOS=0, branch
inc de ; else skip inline value
inc de
;Z (do) n1|u1 n2|u2 -- R: -- sys1 sys2
;Z run-time code for DO
; '83 and ANSI standard loops terminate when the
; boundary of limit-1 and limit is crossed, in
; either direction. This can be conveniently
; implemented by making the limit 8000h, so that
; arithmetic overflow logic can detect crossing.
; I learned this trick from Laxen & Perry F83.
; fudge factor = 8000h-limit, to be added to
; the start value.
head xdo,4,(do),docode
ex de,hl
ex (sp),hl ; IP on stack, limit in HL
ex de,hl
ld hl,8000h
or a
sbc hl,de ; 8000-limit in HL
dec ix ; push this fudge factor
ld (ix+0),h ; onto return stack
dec ix ; for later use by 'I'
ld (ix+0),l
add hl,bc ; add fudge to start value
dec ix ; push adjusted start value
ld (ix+0),h ; onto return stack
dec ix ; as the loop index.
ld (ix+0),l
pop de ; restore the saved IP
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;Z (loop) R: sys1 sys2 -- | sys1 sys2
;Z run-time code for LOOP
; Add 1 to the loop index. If loop terminates,
; clean up the return stack and skip the branch.
; Else take the inline branch. Note that LOOP
; terminates when index=8000h.
head xloop,6,(loop),docode
ld bc,1
looptst: ld l,(ix+0) ; get the loop index
ld h,(ix+1)
or a
adc hl,bc ; increment w/overflow test
jp pe,loopterm ; overflow=loop done
; continue the loop
ld (ix+0),l ; save the updated index
ld (ix+1),h
jr dobranch ; take the inline branch
loopterm: ; terminate the loop
ld bc,4 ; discard the loop info
add ix,bc
inc de ; skip the inline branch
inc de
;Z (+loop) n -- R: sys1 sys2 -- | sys1 sys2
;Z run-time code for +LOOP
; Add n to the loop index. If loop terminates,
; clean up the return stack and skip the branch.
; Else take the inline branch.
head xplusloop,7,(+loop),docode
pop hl ; this will be the new TOS
push bc
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop bc ; old TOS = loop increment
jr looptst
;C I -- n R: sys1 sys2 -- sys1 sys2
;C get the innermost loop index
head II,1,I,docode
push bc ; push old TOS
ld l,(ix+0) ; get current loop index
ld h,(ix+1)
ld c,(ix+2) ; get fudge factor
ld b,(ix+3)
or a
sbc hl,bc ; subtract fudge factor,
ld b,h ; returning true index
ld c,l
;C J -- n R: 4*sys -- 4*sys
;C get the second loop index
head JJ,1,J,docode
push bc ; push old TOS
ld l,(ix+4) ; get current loop index
ld h,(ix+5)
ld c,(ix+6) ; get fudge factor
ld b,(ix+7)
or a
sbc hl,bc ; subtract fudge factor,
ld b,h ; returning true index
ld c,l
;C UNLOOP -- R: sys1 sys2 -- drop loop parms
head UNLOOP,6,UNLOOP,docode
inc ix
inc ix
inc ix
inc ix
; MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE ===========================
;C UM* u1 u2 -- ud unsigned 16x16->32 mult.
head UMSTAR,3,UM*,docode
push bc
pop bc ; u2 in BC
pop de ; u1 in DE
ld hl,0 ; result will be in HLDE
ld a,17 ; loop counter
or a ; clear cy
umloop: rr h
rr l
rr d
rr e
jr nc,noadd
add hl,bc
noadd: dec a
jr nz,umloop
push de ; lo result
push hl ; hi result
pop bc ; put TOS back in BC
;C UM/MOD ud u1 -- u2 u3 unsigned 32/16->16
head UMSLASHMOD,6,UM/MOD,docode
push bc
pop bc ; BC = divisor
pop hl ; HLDE = dividend
pop de
ld a,16 ; loop counter
sla e
rl d ; hi bit DE -> carry
udloop: adc hl,hl ; rot left w/ carry
jr nc,udiv3
; case 1: 17 bit, cy:HL = 1xxxx
or a ; we know we can subtract
sbc hl,bc
or a ; clear cy to indicate sub ok
jr udiv4
; case 2: 16 bit, cy:HL = 0xxxx
udiv3: sbc hl,bc ; try the subtract
jr nc,udiv4 ; if no cy, subtract ok
add hl,bc ; else cancel the subtract
scf ; and set cy to indicate
udiv4: rl e ; rotate result bit into DE,
rl d ; and next bit of DE into cy
dec a
jr nz,udloop
; now have complemented quotient in DE,
; and remainder in HL
ld a,d
ld b,a
ld a,e
ld c,a
push hl ; push remainder
push bc
pop bc ; quotient remains in TOS
; BLOCK AND STRING OPERATIONS ===================
;C FILL c-addr u char -- fill memory with char
head FILL,4,FILL,docode
ld a,c ; character in a
exx ; use alt. register set
pop bc ; count in bc
pop de ; address in de
or a ; clear carry flag
ld hl,0ffffh
adc hl,bc ; test for count=0 or 1
jr nc,filldone ; no cy: count=0, skip
ld (de),a ; fill first byte
jr z,filldone ; zero, count=1, done
dec bc ; else adjust count,
ld h,d ; let hl = start adrs,
ld l,e
inc de ; let de = start adrs+1
ldir ; copy (hl)->(de)
filldone: exx ; back to main reg set
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;X CMOVE c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- move from bottom
; as defined in the ANSI optional String word set
; On byte machines, CMOVE and CMOVE> are logical
; factors of MOVE. They are easy to implement on
; CPUs which have a block-move instruction.
head CMOVE,5,CMOVE,docode
push bc
pop bc ; count
pop de ; destination adrs
pop hl ; source adrs
ld a,b ; test for count=0
or c
jr z,cmovedone
ldir ; move from bottom to top
cmovedone: exx
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;X CMOVE> c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- move from top
; as defined in the ANSI optional String word set
head CMOVEUP,6,CMOVE>,docode
push bc
pop bc ; count
pop hl ; destination adrs
pop de ; source adrs
ld a,b ; test for count=0
or c
jr z,umovedone
add hl,bc ; last byte in destination
dec hl
ex de,hl
add hl,bc ; last byte in source
dec hl
lddr ; move from top to bottom
umovedone: exx
pop bc ; pop new TOS
;Z SKIP c-addr u c -- c-addr' u'
;Z skip matching chars
; Although SKIP, SCAN, and S= are perhaps not the
; ideal factors of WORD and FIND, they closely
; follow the string operations available on many
; CPUs, and so are easy to implement and fast.
head skip,4,SKIP,docode
ld a,c ; skip character
pop bc ; count
pop hl ; address
ld e,a ; test for count=0
ld a,b
or c
jr z,skipdone
ld a,e
skiploop: cpi
jr nz,skipmis ; char mismatch: exit
jp pe,skiploop ; count not exhausted
jr skipdone ; count 0, no mismatch
skipmis: inc bc ; mismatch! undo last to
dec hl ; point at mismatch char
skipdone: push hl ; updated address
push bc ; updated count
pop bc ; TOS in bc
;Z SCAN c-addr u c -- c-addr' u'
;Z find matching char
head scan,4,SCAN,docode
ld a,c ; scan character
pop bc ; count
pop hl ; address
ld e,a ; test for count=0
ld a,b
or c
jr z,scandone
ld a,e
cpir ; scan 'til match or count=0
jr nz,scandone ; no match, BC & HL ok
inc bc ; match! undo last to
dec hl ; point at match char
scandone: push hl ; updated address
push bc ; updated count
pop bc ; TOS in bc
;Z S= c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- n string compare
;Z n<0: s1<s2, n=0: s1=s2, n>0: s1>s2
head sequal,2,S=,docode
push bc
pop bc ; count
pop hl ; addr2
pop de ; addr1
ld a,b ; test for count=0
or c
jr z,smatch ; by definition, match!
sloop: ld a,(de)
inc de
jr nz,sdiff ; char mismatch: exit
jp pe,sloop ; count not exhausted
smatch: ; count exhausted & no mismatch found
ld bc,0 ; bc=0000 (s1=s2)
jr snext
sdiff: ; mismatch! undo last 'cpi' increment
dec hl ; point at mismatch char
cp (hl) ; set cy if char1 < char2
sbc a,a ; propagate cy thru A
ld b,a ; bc=FFFF if cy (s1<s2)
or 1 ; bc=0001 if ncy (s1>s2)
ld c,a
snext: next
*INCLUDE camel80d.azm ; CPU Dependencies
*INCLUDE camel80h.azm ; High Level words
lastword EQU link ; nfa of last word in dict.
enddict EQU $ ; user's code starts here