Selected books, ebooks, wikibooks, papers, publications, and related topics that I collect over time. Includes some documents that I have edited.
- Setzer, V. W. (1988). Sistema simples para documentação semi-automática de programas. (in Portuguese) (this article is publicly available) [PDF] [HTML]. Notes: the PDF document was created using ScanTailor, OCRmyPDF, and Master PDF Editor 4. The HTML document was made by manually editing the text file generated by OCR.
- Setzer, V. W., & Melo, I. S. H. de. (1989). A Construção de Um Compilador. (in Portuguese) [PDF] [Notes]
- Pinto, T. T. S. (2014). GGLL: a parser generator for LL(1) graphical grammars. University of Sao Paulo. DOI 10.11606/D.45.2014.tde-23012015-075452.
- Threaded Interpretive Languages: Their Design and Implementation, by RG Loeliger - explores the principles and architecture of threaded interpretive languages, with a specific focus on Forth-like languages.
- Threaded code designs for Forth interpreters, by PJ Hong - techniques for implementing threaded code in Forth interpreters.
- Library with several books on compilers, computers, and programming.
- Compiler - from the book Introduction to Software Engineering. Overview of compilers, explaining how they transform source code written in a high-level programming language into machine code or another lower-level language.
- Compiler Construction - provides a detailed guide on the theory and practice of compiler construction, including lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation.
Revision numbers
The documents I edit have revision numbers in the filename, to facilitate identification and handling. The numbering rules are based on [Scriptorium (2018)].
- The revision number is always changed when any change is made to the document, including its name.
- The initial revision number when creating the document for the first time will be
. - The following numbers will be renamed by increasing one decimal place (r1.1, r1.2, r1.3, ...).
- When r1.9 is reached, the next number will be r2.0.
- In case of a radical change (addition of illustrations, notes and similar situations), it is allowed to jump directly to the next integer number (e.g.: from r1.4 to r2.0).
- In cases where the content of the document does not change, but is only compacted, or some other external change, the number will have an "a" added to the end: r1.0a, r1.1a, ...
- Example of how to generate PDF/A-3u using LaTeX and LuaTeX. [.tex] [.pdf]
- Passes validation test: and
- Example of how to generate PDF 2.0 using LaTeX and LuaTeX. [.tex] [.pdf]
- Passes validation test:
Last edited: 2025-01-27 17:54:38