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I maintain a repository containing my personal course-related notes: (in Portuguese).

Current duties

  • Computer Architecture and Organization
  • Computational Logic and Mathematics
  • Industrial Communication Networks
  • Integrated Project II

Past courses

  • Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Algorithms and Structured Programming
  • Building Systems
  • Compilers
  • Computer Architecture and Organization
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Digital Systems
  • Digital Systems and Microprocessors
  • Electrical Power Systems
  • Electrotechnical
  • Formal Languages, Automata and Computability
  • Fundamentals of Parallel and Distributed Programming
  • Industrial Organization and Automation
  • Integrated Project I
  • Machine Design
  • Object Oriented Languages
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Operational Systems
  • Production Management
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming Techniques
  • Project Management for Production
  • Protection of the Electric Power System
  • Reverse Logistic
  • Special Topics in Computer Science
  • Strategic Production Planning
  • Theory of Structures
  • Transport Works