Brazil supercomputers top500 nov2023
Brazil currently has 9 supercomputers on the TOP500 list. The 500 most potent non-distributed computer systems in existence are ranked and described in detail by the TOP500 project. The last time LNCC's SDumont was included in the list, November 2022, it was in position 462.
The Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD), a national event organized by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), aims to highlight the main developments, applications and trends in Computer Science. Computing for distributed systems, high-performance processing and architecture. The IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) is usually held annually in conjunction with the WSCAD event in October.
- WSCAD conference proceedings: http://wscad.sbc.org.br/edicoes/edicoes.html
- WSCAD 2023 edition: https://inf.pucrs.br/wscad2023/
- WSCAD 2022 edition: http://wscad.sbc.org.br/
- Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@sbcoficial
MicroCloud is an interesting project that, through lightweight virtualization and few host computers, allows you to quickly generate a cluster of several computing nodes, requiring few resources and allowing you to use common available hardware at home, such as Raspberry Pi and laptops.
Its sufficiently small to function on a developer laptop. It can be utilized for safely experimenting with new technologies, simulating or testing complicated infrastructure processes, simulating how your workloads would operate in production, and creating lightweight, restricted disposable testing environments.
It is a simple method to start an LXD cluster with high availability. It makes use of snap packages, has the ability to automatically configure LXD and Ceph on a group of servers, and uses mDNS to find other servers on the network automatically. This allows you to run a single command on one machine to build an entire cluster.
INPE General Regulations
INPE's General Regulations 2024 (approved on 09/04/2023) in searchable PDF format:
- Regimento_Geral_20230904.pdf (in Portuguese)
The original PDF file containing INPE's General Regulations 2024 has an annoying problem that is not searchable and is not possible to select text. What I used to fix it was:
$ pdfsandwich -lang por <in.pdf> -o <out.pdf>
$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.7 -q -o <out.pdf> <in.pdf>
$ ocrmypdf -l=por -s -O=3 --jbig2-lossy --output-type=pdf <in.pdf> <out.pdf>
$ qpdf --linearize <in.pdf> <out.pdf>