My current postgraduate research focuses on high performance computing (HPC) and machine learning (ML), specifically in the application of artificial neural networks (NN) to solve scientific problems, such as physical simulation.
Publications related to my postgraduate course. There is also a file containing the references in BibTeX format.
- Miranda, E. F. (2022). Common MPI-based HPC Approaches in Python Evaluated for Selected Test Cases (Master’s Thesis, National Institute for Space Research - INPE). URI
- Miranda, E. F., & Stephany, S. (2022). Common MPI-Based Solutions for High-Performance Processing in Python Evaluated on Selected Test Cases [Presentation]. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10676832.
- Miranda, E. F., & Stephany, S. (2021). Comparison of High-performance Computing Approaches in the Python Environment for a Five-point Stencil Test Problem. XV Brazilian E-Science Workshop, at XLI Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society (CSBC-2021), 33–40. DOI 10.5753/bresci.2021.15786.
- Miranda, E. F., & Stephany, S. (2021). Common HPC Approaches in Python Evaluated for a Scientific Computing Test Case. Revista Cereus, 13(2), 84–98. DOI 10.18605/2175-7275/cereus.v13n2p84-98.
- Miranda, E. F., & Stephany, S. (2021). Comparison of high-performance computing approaches in the Python environment for a five-point stencil case study. XV Brazilian e-Science Workshop (BreSci), Online [Presentation]. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10672456.
Manuscripts related to my postgraduate course. There is also a file containing the references in BibTeX format.
- Miranda, E. F., Santos, L. B. L., & Stephany, S. (2023). Data-Driven Parameter Discovery of a One-Dimensional Burgers’ Equation Using a Physics-Informed Neural Network [Manuscript]. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10676770. [Online version].
- Miranda, E. F. (2022). Solution of a One-Dimensional Viscous Burgers' Equation Using a Physics-Informed Neural Network and a Gaussian Quadrature Method [Manuscript]. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10676900. [Online version].
- Miranda, E. F. (2022). Comparison of CNN and MLP Artificial Neural Network Models for an Optical Character Recognition Test Case [Manuscript]. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10676917.
I maintain a repository on Github with my open source projects that I have been developing over time for various purposes: .
The current main research repository is: The research also uses the LNCC supercomputer Santos Dumont under the project AMPEMI.
Last edited: 2025-02-07 21:53:17